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Think Spot: Twelve Key Success Factors of Flourishing Churches

Dr. Ruth Powell’s recent Summit presentation was helpful as it used research from 3,000 Australian churches and leader interviews to identify twelve key success factors of flourishing churches. We know that statistics can be off-putting to some people, but encourage you to engage with these learnings.

Why not consider how these might apply to your church or agency? What are your top three (success factors) and bottom three (the growth-restricting obstacles)? Which are strong enough to perhaps be masking others? Don’t forget that CCVT has consultancy support available, with assistance that can be provided from people who have led churches of all different sizes.

  1. Faith Foundations – creating pathways for faith growth and mentoring.
  2. Collective Identity – shared culture and ownership of church DNA.
  3. Collaborative Leadership – relationally mobilising people and building teams.
  4. Envisioning – articulating a clear vision owned by the congregation.
  5. Strategising – intentional processes from welcome to engagement.
  6. Innovation – entrepreneurial risk taking and a willingness to ‘try’ and ‘fail.’
  7. Focus Beyond – accessible language and buildings; engagement in the wider community.
  8. Hospitality – building belonging, a welcoming environment, and regular celebration.
  9. Inclusivity – cultural, age, and gender diversity, fostering relevance and creativity.
  10. Empowerment – involvement and development appropriate to the stage of growth.
  11. Learning – active pursuit of wisdom, growth programs, and skill development.
  12. Sustainability – responsible resource management, stewardship, and life balance.

View Dr. Ruth Powell’s full Summit presentation

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