Governance for CCVT is managed by the CCVT Inc Board. CCVT is made up of a number of legal entities that exist to provide a range of functions. A range of the documents that detail how this happens can be found below.
The Board
The CCVT Inc Board are the peak governance body for CCVT, meet them here.
Collective Statements
Annual Reports are a key way CCVT communicates to its Affiliated Churches and Agencies.
Annual General Meetings
AGMs are important gatherings to fulfill our governance responsibilities as CCVT and Affiliates.

CCVT Constitution
The CCVT Inc Constitution was significantly updated at the Special General Meeting held on October 17 2015, reflecting the progress made in meeting the Renewal Challenge.
Tasmania Agreement
Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania Inc reflects a relationship between Churches of Christ in both Victoria and Tasmania. The relationship is governed by this agreement:
Properties Corporation Act
The activities of the Properties Corporation are governed by this Act of Victorian Parliament.
Community Care Constitution
The activities of Community Care are governed by this Constitution alongside the CCVT Inc Constitution.