Becoming a CCVT minister

To become a CCVT minister firstly acknowledges that it is God who is calling you, and now you are ready to fulfill your calling in serving our great God. Below is a process outline to help you understand how your ministry journey might look. Please know that we at CCVT are here to support, encourage and cheer you on as you represent us in your ministry.

The process

Each leadership journey is unique and may not be linear, but these are the key steps involved in becoming a minister with Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania.


Accreditation is the first, and minimum requirement for those wishing to become a Churches of Christ minister. It is a process that ensures all ministers in CCVT meet an appropriate level of personal, spiritual, and leadership formation.


Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a minister, with the help of a Supervisor, develops themselves in relation to their ministry and wider context, attends to the people they minister to and by developing their own practice feeds back into the knowledge and effectiveness of the wider CCVT Movement.

Marriage license

All accredited ministers are eligible to become a Marriage Celebrant and therefore be allowed to officiate at weddings. Training is required and we are here to assist you with whatever is needed to give you that qualification.

Theological training

Theological training is an essential part of fully developing and preparing our Ministers for their Ministry calling. We can recommend the best options for how a Minister can arrive at an appropriate level of training, ranging from a Bible College course to unaccredited studies made available online by arrangement with our office.


Endorsement is the recognition that a minister has engaged in formal theological studies and is appropriately equipped and formed for professional ministry in CCVT.  The theological studies and ministry experience required by endorsement are a significant achievement on the part of the ministers themselves, and a prerequisite for those wanting to become ordained.


Ordination is recognition by the Church that a person has been called to ministry as a specific way of life. An Ordination service is held as part of a larger CCVT gathering, or in the Ministers local Church, or both. Only Ministers that have been Endorsed by their state body will be ordained.

Frequently asked questions

Accredited Ministers are eligible to become a marriage celebrant once the necessary training has been completed.

Our website has information on training for accredited and endorsed ministers.  For Marriage Celebrant training, please go to the BUV website for details on dates the training days operate.

Yes, we welcome people from other denominations who sense God is calling them to our movement.  Sometimes a simple transfer is all that is needed, we can then recommend the best way forward for you to experience a sense of belonging in new surroundings.

Yes of course. Contact our office at any time and we will direct you to the right person to talk further with.

Explore Becoming a CCVT minister

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