Church Planting

CCVT believes that the pioneering of new churches is the most strategic and effective means of extending the Great Commission of Jesus to our states and nation. At many stages in the history of the Churches of Christ worldwide, it was a movement characterised by pioneers and church planters and, at CCVT today, we believe the time to plant is upon us again!

Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38) 

Many in CCVT have prayed this prayer and perhaps this is why you may be feeling a holy stirring within your spirit to act, or you may have already started on the process to plant. Whatever stage of church planting you are at, we would dearly like to hear from and partner with you.

We would like to work with you so that: 

  • your call is nurtured and protected,
  • you are receiving training in competency needed in your context,
  • you are being coached personally, in a wholistic way,
  • you find yourself a community of compatriots to belong to.

The CCVT Church Planting unit is connected widely in the church planting world and have access to best practitioners, thought leaders, resourceful networks, and funding agencies. 

Contact information: 

Please do not hesitate to contact Philip Kua by email at or phone on 0412 003 888.

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