Supporting Growing Churches is an initiative of CCVT Communities Team, whereby we work with churches that are already positive communities of faith and support them to continue their growth momentum. It is a program specifically designed to support the minister through their involvement in a cohort of ministers from similar churches, along with one-on-one support from a CCVT Communities team member.
There are various elements of Supporting Growing Churches. There are three underlying convictions. The first is that healthy churches grow. What is true in nature is true in the spiritual. The second is that churches are intended to incarnate Good News, as the Gospel is Good News. The third is that while the message remains the same, the method is always up for assessment and reimagination.
Supporting Growing Churches is comprised of three phases:
Church Consultancy: where the Communities Team member will meet with the ministry leader/minister; the church leadership group, other ministry leaders and a representative group of the church.
Consultancy Report: this is a formal feedback process of the weekend consultancy where the strengths of the church are celebrated, concerns or cautions for the future growth of the church are noted and future pathways are offered. This report is then formally adopted by the church governance group.
Coaching and Cohort: The minister will join a cohort of ministers which will meet every 2 months (via Zoom). This cohort will be for mutual learning, encouragement, and support. The minister will meet with the church facilitator on the alternate month for one-on-one coaching, conversation and support.
This initiative is mission propelled, future oriented and leadership defined.
Contact the Communities Team at for information about the next cohort.