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Reportable Conduct Scheme


All Victorian Affiliates are required to respond to allegations of child abuse or other child-related misconduct made against any of their workers, volunteers, and appointed leaders in line with the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme.

This means Affiliates are required to

  • have systems in place to prevent child abuse,
  • if child abuse is alleged, ensure allegations can be brought to the attention of appropriate persons for investigation and response, and
  • make sure a proper investigation and response is made (if it involves criminal conduct, police will advise when to proceed).

Allegations can be made about the conduct of people even if

  • they do not have direct contact with children, or
  • the conduct occurred outside of their roles at the church or agency.

There are 5 types of ‘reportable conduct’.

  • sexual offences committed against, with or in the presence of a child;
  • sexual misconduct committed against, with or in the presence of a child;
  • physical violence against, with or in the presence of a child;
  • any behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm to a child; and
  • significant neglect of a child.

The Head of Entity (in most cases the Chair of the Board) must notify the Commission for Children & Young People of any allegations within 3 days of becoming aware of them. If you need assistance in determining who is the head of your organisation, we recommend that you review your structure and governance, which may include seeking legal advice, and contact the CCVT Safe Places Coordinator or the Commission for clarification and guidance.

For more information or to notify or update the CCYP of an allegation, contact:

Commission for Children and Young People
Level 18, 570 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 8601 5281

CCVT is here to assist all Affiliates with any matters related to the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Please contact us at or on (03) 9488 8800.


The Tasmanian Reportable Conduct Scheme is anticipated to come into effect on 1 January 2024. 

At that time, all Tasmania Affiliates will be required to comply with the rules of the Scheme and uphold the new Child and Youth Safe Standards which will reflect the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. For more information, or to subscribe for updates please go to Department of Justice.


Child and Youth Safe Standards

About the National Principles

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