Risk Management Redbook

Redbook is a free self-auditing risk management system for affiliates of Churches of Christ Vic/Tas.

Redbook makes it easy to manage Building Code compliance, Work Health Safety, and a variety of Safe Church practices related to your church property and ministries throughout the year.

Each Redbook is tailored to your church property and ministries and is designed specifically for use by people without risk management experience. Everything you need is together in one convenient place—all you need to do is follow the steps!

Free Redbook training is available via phone, Zoom, or in person (where possible) for you and your team.

Please email redbook@churchesofchrist.org.au to arrange a time to review your current Redbook and access the new edition.

View samples of the Redbook (example only – not designed for use):
Sample Victorian Redbook
Sample Tasmanian Redbook

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