Ringwood Church of Christ CRISP Program

Community Refugee Integration & Settlement Pilot

We are a group of volunteers, auspiced and overseen by Ringwood Church of Christ who have been trained to support refugee households to come and live in our beautiful community through the CRISP Program (Community Refugee Integration & Settlement Pilot Program).

Refugees are approved by the Australian Government to participate in CRISP, drawing on those identified by the UNHCR as being in most urgent need of resettlement, and then matched with a Community Support Group.

At the end of 2022, there were 108.4 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, including 35.3 million refugees. In 2022, fewer than 4% of refugees in need were able to access resettlement but community sponsorship programs are helping to increase this number.

We meet the household from the moment they arrive at the airport and help them settle in. We find temporary accommodation and furnishings and provide the households with support for accessing health care, English language tuition, schooling, driving lessons, employment, public transport, engaging with community and getting established during the first 12 months.

We appreciate you partnering with us financially to support this important work to see refugees welcomed and flourishing in our communities. This is an opportunity for you to act locally, as part of a growing global movement of community supported refugees. Your financial, practical and prayerful support will help refugees have the best chance at a positive, healing and sustainable integration into Australian Life.

Contact office@ringwoodchurch.org.au for more information.

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